Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Hair Trimming Style

This Guy had trimed his hair during summer vacation. If you are fedup with summer get up with this style ( lol )

Size Really Make Out Difference!!!

What an identical twins ( But one is Fatty ) ( lol)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ceiling poster in the smoking room....TOO GOOD.

This is the future of those Guy who holds Ciggratte all Day and night

Smart Way Of Working In Office


Most Of the Indian worker Often use to use this type of method in office.Although they never come to office panctual and have a great Fun in this office.( That's why company never Pay their payment panctual )

Friday, May 16, 2008

India's Most Wanted Windows Xp

This is too difficult too understand for my visitors better learn the language and read the above thing.That's too funny